Yes, drones can be used for more than cool aerial footage in social media videos today. UK drones are actually being leveraged at a rapid pace for construction work, data collection, and picture-taking, completely revolutionising the industry as we once knew it. Providing more accurate intel in a fraction of the normal time without endangering any lives, the potential for construction drones knows no limits at this time.
If you’re considering adding drones to your construction business, here are 5 ways drones are being used for UK construction today:
Previously, surveying land was pretty time-consuming. It required personnel to personally track over every acre to get the right read and data. Equipped with a birds-eye-view, drones are able to survey a massive amount of land in just minutes, eliminating much of the human error previously involved in the process.
Construction drones can be equipped with cameras, GPS coordinate systems, geo-location sensors, infrared sensors, and much more to capture the right details about the environment and physical site prior – and during – construction. These high-resolution images are then turned into 2D or 3D models, which create an accurate description of the job-site, removing the mistakes. With fewer mistakes, comes more time for you to use to grow your business and increase your revenue.
A drone can be thrown up into the air in just seconds, capturing project updates with just the click of a thumb. You can track all of your projects in real-time now, so you don’t have to wait until the end and hope that everything turns out as required. Drones provide you with instant ROI, operating autonomously according to your schedule.
We all know how dangerous construction sites and jobs can be today. That’s why the invention of drone inspections is so revolutionary – now you don’t need to send your workers out onto tiny walkways and up flimsy poles to get the right shot or information. They can stay on safe turf while you use the drone instead. It’s going to make construction jobs that much more appealing right now.
Lastly, by backing your drone up to the cloud, you can have instant communication management with the entire team as the drone sends the data in real-time. It’s one continuous workflow system that will make it easier than ever before to manage your projects and do so through team collaboration. For instance, a drone was used to help some TV aerial installers in Leeds to ensure they had the best alignment for the property.
Here at RUAS, we like to keep you updated on drone news and announcements, as this newfound technology continues to shape UK construction for the better. With minimised injuries and mistakes, as well as improved safety, communication, and real-time data collection, drones are turning an outdated industry into a futuristic market. Consider adding drone inspections to your line of work today.
Tim Harris
February 01